Our ultimate goal as clinicians is to achieve pleasing smile. An organized approach is required to resolve esthetic problems. There are various principals that govern the art of smile designing.
With smile a person expresses a range of emotions. It helps a person to function well in a society. It makes a person confident. To achieve a successful, healthy and functional result requires an understanding of relation between all supporting oral structures.
Esthetic smile includes two aspects facial part and dental part. Facial part includes hard & soft tissues of face. The dental part includes teeth and their relationship to gingival tissues.
There are various approach to improve facial aesthetic includes orthodontics, ortho gnathic surgery, periodontal therapy, cosmetic dentistry and plastic surgery.
In Smile Designing:
Vital components in smile designing
1. Tooth components:
- Midline
- Inclinations
- Interdental contact area
- Incisal lengths
- Tooth dimensions
- Embrasure areas
- Age
- Sex
- Symmetry
2. Soft Tissues components:
- Gingival health
- Gingival levels
- Smile line

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